Friday, September 22, 2006

Reminisence of Disciples2 and CG : We are uniquely and unity dealings

A pretty gloomy day overall. I got a copy of DIsciples II containing Dark Prophecy, Guardians of the Light and Servant of the Dark. This feeling of playing this game since 3 years ago is great. I cant believed I still love this good looking yet unrealistic fantasy game. Bethrezen's Legion and the Empire are still both my main pick.

Sadly,Chong Wei lost to Bao Chunlai in WC2006 QuarterFinal today . And Kien Keat/Pei Tyl won against a higher seed pair Nova/Lilyana at third round of WC2006. Care Group today is fantastic as usual. Dinner time we have Pork night which plates of dish varying from different varieties pork such as BaKuTeh, Bacons, Brocolli , 'Char Siu'and Dark sauce infused pork. More magnificent dishes from my fellow Bros' and Sis'. Discussion topic by Ms Ong is God made each of us different and dealing in Unity.


Imagine the world like a big jigsaw puzzle. If all the pieces were the same, it will be boring not to mentioned very difficult to fit in to their respective position. By being different, it will be more colorful and beautiful once patch the whole picture all together. God is creative god, and got balance. Hence, when applied to us as humans we will become interesting too.

Lack of communication, self-oriented, different thoughts, no clear defintion on roles (i.e leader ), free riding, personality and character clash. Some said it is the worst trait that you yourself cant stand

Common goal+ vision, tolerance , being submissive to the leaders, follow when you are not leading , play your role right , taking ownership?(honorship?) , patience , accomodate each other

Apologise. Biblically speaking we have to practise forgiveness. God does not lay condition that you have to do this, or meet this requirement before He can forgive us. He's the first who forgave us. For example, did He ask you to change before Heavenly Father sent His only son down Earth to save us? Nope. He didnt even lay any condition. He love us so much , that he forgive us first even before we were born. For the unbearable pain, do ask God to take it away. All you have to do is ask. His door is always open and always have a willing ear for all his childrens.

Target the Problem and NOT the person. They may be at times you dislike this person alot , like when you got involve in a group assignment with him/her. You may have problem with him/her drawing lines, writing, trivialities etc which influence your judment on the person , its nothing to do with the work. Recongnising the values of each members help too.

Approach + solve it openly and rasionally. Dont criticize them by hide behind someback

God's Principles on Unity

1) Many Gifts, One Spirit

Many Song, One Voice. Many Questions, One Choice " Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace ~Eph 4:3 "

He saw the need of us to have other people & relationship. In future, can your future partner complement each other? It is love of God which remain at the end whereby anything else may crumbled. We may grow old however only love is able to sustain. Always think--> What can I do for people to help them and bless them....which bring us to the question: Are you an assett or liability ? We have to give first. The beauty of unity states 1+1 =3 . 2 is just barely enough.

2 ) Niceness

" Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ forgave you ~Eph 4:32 "

If you really treasure relationship/friendship that hold dear, it matters little who's wrong....just say sorry first. It does little using vulgarities, so just be nice.Check yourself daily. LOVE. If we do not love someone, we are nothing in the eyes of God. God showed us love first. Its isn't appropriate going to God harboring unhapiness and bitterness. It is the love that hold the church together bibilically speaking and not nessesary the base.

3) Make Up


The Church is held together with the love of God and in order to keep it together. we need to display the love of Christ in our lives. If we are unable to love each other with the love of Christ, what we do else is alomost considered worthless in God's eyes. God values unity in church and wants to maitain it.

Divisive matters in church are like cracks in wall. They will cause the church to fall. We need to come and resolve any of these cracks and we can only do sowith the love of God in our lives.Love is this powerful but at the same time it is fragile. Cracks when pile up are the reason for failling. Which is why check yourself daily, presenting to Him everyday is crucial to maintain this 'cracks'

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Collection Finding

Going through to old files on my computer to upload images on blog. All the people that has occur at least once in my current life or impacted me somehow. I hope them well just the same as I hope for myself wherever they are. Life will probably never be the same for me without any of them even for a day.....such is fate....destiny pre-plan by God.Thank you God for all these amazing occassions and happenings.

I'll see if I can post them all using FilmLoop

Grand Opening

Yup me grand opening of the inactive's blog tales. dont expect to updated often ....i dont name myself inactive for no reason let alone disguising like i am active =p

So the first thing is usually glued to the minor features like skins,additional cool stuff ( watch, shoutbox, learning documents etc ) . Hence the one I have right here is probably my first choice, I'll update it when I can

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