Saturday, November 25, 2006

A little trial of frustration

Another trial of frustration. One sentence that can sum up most of my day today. For the past few days i have this urge to seek out the collector edition of HKL's Wheels on Meals. One month ago i'd never bother as I pass it so many times that i forgotten. But as I'm leaving soon, i wanted to just have it as another novelty item of the oldies. It is true what our seniors folks said; When you have no desire of it, it pops out so often.....and once you set our hearts for it, it hides away from you. So there I go walking from each chain stores to another chain stores in Westfield's Southland shopping centre.Dang.., from JB Hi-Fi to BigW to Target to K-Mart in 2 hours ! Of course I didn't make it, poor me i even neglected my lunch naively believe that if i have the strong intention for something i'd be able to achieve it. Something I have to bear in mind next time, especially in near future when i've begin to work as I've known to be a workaholic type of guy...meaning until i have successfully finish or near accomplish i'll keep pressing on.PLus i have to fork out extra money to pay for a second 1 hour fare card .

And the frustration didn't just end there, i end up sleeping once i reach home to recuperate out of a little tireness. Definately a day of wastage. Chr1st14ns always go longwinded stating its reason about being its God's plan to train you up , in order to manage your time and self wisely. Grr...
*** Mumble : Must be something extra special tomorrow replace an unfruitful day today

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