Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Truth abt H K revealled..sorta

Yesterday after touching heaven, my fellow CG dudes hold a mini farewell gathering for me and Cl1ft0n Phu4. The atmosphere was very great. Those who came revealed sides of me which some that i didn't even know. Although farewell gathering like will always result in teary moments here and there, mine is no exception. I'm particularly in-debted to them all who testify my flaws and goodness. I4n S0ng, J4s0n, L1l34,Y0k0, G4ry L30ng, I\/y 0ng, J3ffr3y, M1ch43l Th4i, L1on3l Y30,Cl1ft0n and V1try. Their influence and dedication will remained a part of my life for a long long time. A pity I don't get to know them longer, or earlier either.

Song- I believe you are just super fantastic to be with. Always sacrificing your time for the benefit of others and church minitry are simply exemplary.

J4s0n Ng- You have very good command with words , making you a very suitable candidate as an encourager, evangelist, and even a speaker of social interaction. I appreciate your efforts to train and support me all these while.

L1l3a- A fellow classmates in some subjects. Thats how I got to know you. Kind, beautiful and great in many other amazing ways. Your commitment to mostly anything korean is definately a interesting side of you.

Y0k0- Despite I just know you for less than a year, I felt blessed and touched having you around. Although we don't interact that much(not that I do anyway with others), i felt an aura of serenity, pure of heart and genuineness speaking and being with your company. You are like that type that has nothing to hide and your words ring truth all the time. I also felt impacted by the numerous time you shared about b4pt1sm in H0p3 T0ky0 following your mom's footsteps and how sad you can be sometimes at Uni when difficulty arises. God is indeed working in you !

G4ry - Dato' Gary ....something i just love to call you as. Not because it sounds nice, but because you somehow look like brang color into our mundane lives with your occassional lame jokes and quotes......something i found it insightful most of the times. Buddy, i know some might find it irritating at times, i can assure you i just like the way you are. You have also indeed grown alot during this year .....thanks God for working wonders in you. It seems you have the desire to assist with all sort of CG and church works. Sometimes i see we share many traits in common(thinking wise, action wise, photography wise, infernal affairs wise etc).I'm really thankful for your company. You are also somewhat a perfectionist as shown in CG ice-breaker games, your uni works, and life. One session of games planning with you showed that you care about the welfare but thinking hard and analysing if it's really suitable for activeness. Sigh...i will miss your self-made brownies too.

I\/y- Another marvel of CCM's CG6b. A Women of many skills and deep spiritual level. I enjoyed your teaching alot during CG for the past two years. Your endless dedication and commitment to Church and CG truly leaves me in awe all the time. A super-contributor of energy and mind. Lord, I prayed that you mould her further to reach up to others as she is definately resembles you day by day already. You impress me with your interest at cooking. Funny thing is you made very delicious meals, entrees and particularly desssets( grass-jely drinks, cakes of variety flavours, fruit pudding etc)... which i can't receive 'ta pau' most often of the time

J3ffr3y- "Happy GO Lucky". A three word sentence that can used to describe you. heheh you are always so jovial, and full of silly remarks about all sort of things. Life is so full of laughter having you around. I seldom seen you get mad before although I've seen you moody which is probably your other form of expression meaing "Dont come near me, I bite !" Although you, J450n, M1c and others often try to inititate dialog with me, and it didnt turn well to your expectation, I'm still touched. My semester period has indeed made me only less interesting.
One last thing is thank you for the vision you 'saw' when the closing prayers is going underway. I dunno what i means or how you do it, but i still thank you on behalf of God response.Here I wish you well in your future, and do continue your walk with God. It seems he has open new path for you.

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