Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yikes a wedding already !

Got the latest edition of FFXII yesterday mailed to me the states together with VP2:Silmeria. Both by Square-Enix.....boy their games just came out better and better. Funny i aint that eager to play new PS2 games anymore....whats happening to me promise abt games will remain a portion of my life sort of oath ? One way its good, it seems only certain things stirs me up nowadays. Played a while in the night and then 'drows'(is this the right spelling?) off to sleep. My first changed impression is the the combat system. It's not based on my all time favourite ATB system anymore :[

Character development in FFXII is largely on license acqusition. FFX runs on sphere grid. I still like FFX and FFX-2 over FFXII for now.Characters are more vibrant with their own style and background,plus with their own mesmerizing 'Limit Break', the world is less dark+war driven. I will give it another try on it and VP2:Silmeria after this....see if it changes anything.

Got another copy of Jet Li's HKL edition of The Master . ...Hmm the action movie shot in the 80's are still not that entertaining ,combat moves not as gracefully excuted as other great ones like crouching tiger, Hero, Project A, Once Upon a time in China series etc. Sigh felt cheated for getting it. Fightings are just so-so , most are portrayed more beautifully in Once Upon China series.The only thing worth noticing are the special interviews with Yu3n W4h and Cyst4l Kw0k.....which coincidancely is my ever attraction in HKL titles.

While browsing today, I happen to found out one of my classmates in secondary school got married recently.Woohoo ~~! Lucky you M3lv1n. Hmm....i remember and cherished the days where him, Ramprashad, and Choo Hau (occassionally) sparing chess in class.The earliest of my classmate who got married(or was it engaged) were C1ndy Yu and K4r Ch0y since two years ago.Everything seems to be happening at warp speeed now(in my own sense) ....Buddies getting engaged(Daniel Lam & Lisa Choy). Mates getting married(Ke1th Ch1ng & Yoon-Mi). Friends having babies(Ant0ny & Cz3-E3).The scariest part had begun just when you hit 20ish. Normal questions are is my turn coming? Am I with the right person now? will I be with her for the rest of my life? What's it like 10 years from now, I'm anticipating something huge ...a giant leap fo faith ! I can't help but wonder why are they tying the knot this quick. Oh and my heartfelt congratz too. Sudddeny it reminds me of the old saying of 'If you are very fortunate you will have became father(married) at this age ' . ....the quotes often used by we cantonese to disencourage wasting time and no-gain works. Many of my classmates that I haven't seen in years made their appearances too. Below are the pictures taken using Chr1st1n4's camera.

On the other hand i dunno what to say to them after the long separation even if i'm there, nothing drastic happen in me....i'm not a millionaire yet, i dont own a car, i have no job.. Imagine the embarasement i'm going to be having when they asked me about it :[ Come on H K !I'm trully worried about myself. Give yourself a good long think to reflect on your self and your past. I ain't getting anymore younger ! Start creating life miracles/milestones NOW ! Lately 1vy's bottom email quote is lingering in my mind which says "Do not Give God something that will cost you nothing" . What abt our worries & pain ? I'll confront her soon abt this. k, night everyone

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