Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy CNY 2007 to you all

2nd day of CNY 2007 a.k.a the year of the golden piggy :D
Haven't been in Malaysia celebrating lunar new year for quite some time now.Funny it rained though around the afternoon. Sure feel a little wierd. From my observations, the customs and principles practised by my folks remain the same. My mom is still quite superstitious about the fortune thingies. However, this few months has been a new breakthrough for her, as she make cookies now ...yummy tasty ones according to the CNY theme. I felt i'm getting old now, I notice i sleep more often now :sigh: WTH!

While watching T.V a question came to me, Why do we struggle to stay alive in order to become slave to destiny ? Hmm intriguing,ya? or was it my rasional thinking skills left me. I still thought about the Lord, my pals at Hope,and my distant future. Come to think of it thats how my life is Friends never stay long nomather how i try. They come and go. Wither and reborn. Captured moments on digital media on the other hand i believe lasts. Even memories fail us when our age catches up. or got can be altered/removed prematurely by our fictional 'haitian'
character. I'm starting to dislike big days like these now and then, it reminds me of my happiness and joy which i find it hard to encounter again thus making me burden with grief and sadness. However, Happy CNY 2007 i still wish you all

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